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Sunday, August 16, 2009

CompassionArt Friend Of The Poor Video

i would like to title this blog "simplicity". it's been on my heart to live more simply. now with this new doctor thing i will be forced to live more simply ;). anyway, i saw this video last night and it compeled me even more.

i would like to say i'm very mission minded, and pray that i live that way too. recently i wanted to buy a new pair of jeans. no big deal right? there isn't really anything wrong with my old jeans, except that they sag a little bit, but in reality they are totally fine. as i was pondering buying a new pair of jeans at roughly $40.00 i thought i could pay for my children. i have "adopted" (or sponsored) 2 children through worldvision. one in south america, and another in southern africa. and as i was thinking about buying these jeans, i thought these girls don't have any clean water, and have very little education so if i were to spend my money on them rather than me, i might be able to give them a hope for the future and increase their chance of hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ. needless to say, i went with the kids.

i have wanted to make this change in my life several times, specaly when i came back from Oaxaca, i was overwhelmed with all of my belongings and couldn't believe that i needed so much stuff. so here i go once again, making a movement towards the life of simplicity. learning that relationships mean so much more when you don't dwell so much on all of the material things.

i was talking to my friend Tina about it, and she said this saying that i really liked "live simply so others can simply live."

i think we could all learn to make due with what we have. if i made a committment not to buy another pair of shoes until the ones that i have give out, then i would save a couple of hundred dollars a year! and just think, if we used all of the things we have stached around our house b/c they weren't quiet what we were looking for, think about all the money we would save. and then if we would put that money towards bettering the future for children whether it's our neighbors, or someone across the world, or maybe even save for a missions trip of our own. think of the impact we would have!

i challenge you to do this with me. don't buy anything new for the next month unless it's of dire need. let me know if you decide to do it please!

enjoy the simple life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I need to live more simply.

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Bethel, Missouri, United States
i'm 30 and i work at women's recovery center in a cornfield in Missouri, yes that's right, Missouri. i grew up in Warsaw IL. i love my job and the ministry that i work for. we help the hurting get healed. it's called Heartland. i love God and my family. hope you find this informing. happy reading. Visit our website at one day i may aspire to even write a book *sigh*