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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

in case you were wondering

Just in case you were wondering...
today i was driving to the lodge to take some ladies to work i heard the windshield wipers squeaking. i thought to myself out loud (here is where we get into trouble), if i can hear them on the inside, can people hear them on the outside. the ladies looked at me as if i were out of my mind. which i can't blame them, i think i would think that if someone asked me a random question like that. they told me they were not sure. so when we got to the lodge, i had them get out and i turned on the windshield wipers, and yup, sure enough, they do squeak. so i told one of my friends and she said "so they are just as annoying on the outside." thought that was a good response.
when you ask a random question that can be answered truthfully, you end up with a random fact for the day.

28 days to Oaxaca!

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Bethel, Missouri, United States
i'm 30 and i work at women's recovery center in a cornfield in Missouri, yes that's right, Missouri. i grew up in Warsaw IL. i love my job and the ministry that i work for. we help the hurting get healed. it's called Heartland. i love God and my family. hope you find this informing. happy reading. Visit our website at one day i may aspire to even write a book *sigh*