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Saturday, April 18, 2009


Yesterday i had the wonderful privilege to watch 2 beautiful girls while their mother was at a doctors appointment. it wasn't for very long, maybe 5-10 min, but the fun stuff happened while i was in the waiting room with them and their mother. the littlest girl is 3 years old, and have a very big, strong personality! she's a riot! anyway, she's standing in front of me doing what this little girl in the picture is doinglike any good friend, i swiped away her hand, she didn't quite get her finger in her nose, but boy was she headed there rather quickly! but she went at it again, and again, finally i told her to stop it! she just looked at me and said "NO! I HAVE A BUGGER!" her mom heard this and rushed to the receptionist for a tissue.

now, this little girl was determined to get what she wanted! she wanted that bugger out! (now bear with me, i'm going somewhere with this) and she would stop at nothing. however, she was not about to ask for help.

i looked at her and i thought, i'm sure there's a lesson in this somewhere! i just know there is! it's to funny not to get a lesson out of it. so the lesson i came up with is, that's how we need to be in our walk with God. Relentless! not backing down, not giving up until the obstacle is out of our way. but so many times, we ask God to do all the work and leave none of the work for us, or the other way around, we try to do all the work and it's God who needs to do it. i think it varies on the situation. but the question is, are was as determined as this little girl was to get obstacles out of our way? or are we going to let it continue to hinder us?


judi said...

I've begun memorizing scripture again and yesterday God lead me to Phil 2:13 "for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose." I looked up the definition for "will" since my own isn't very strong. Will, that is. Of all of the descriptions it gave for "will" I chose one to use to help me with this verse. Wanna know what that word was? Determination. I want to start memorizing entire chapters. I have given up some very important things to me over the last 3 months. Starting January 14th, I gave up soda, artificial sugar, and coffee. What an obstical. I replaced the coffee with some great hot teas and I am adjusted. Now, today, I am 8 days into being "sugar-free". And my stomach is so happy about it! But as I rejoiced yesterday at the mile marker of my God-induced will\determination, the thought occured to me, (devinely inspired I believe)why dont' I "will" my heart to Him the same way. So I am dipping my toe into the pool of greater scripture memorization. Philippians 2 is my first choice. I love the books of Ruth and Ester. And James, being alot about the tongue, is a goal too. Not the entire books, but parts. Or maybe????? hum???? Anyway, thanks for the look into who you are, Adrienne. I will be visiting you here often.

judi said...

OH, by the way, the next time I REALLY want a pepsi with my pizza, or some chocolate after a good, garlicky meal, I will invision that picture! That is great! LOL!

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Bethel, Missouri, United States
i'm 30 and i work at women's recovery center in a cornfield in Missouri, yes that's right, Missouri. i grew up in Warsaw IL. i love my job and the ministry that i work for. we help the hurting get healed. it's called Heartland. i love God and my family. hope you find this informing. happy reading. Visit our website at one day i may aspire to even write a book *sigh*