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Monday, June 01, 2009

mini vacation

i thought i would grace you with my presence :)  it's been a little bit since i've actually written, so i thought i would fill you in on my past week.  right now it's 82 degrees outside, but 83 inside.  yup, the air is broken, at least the one upstairs, they worked on the one downstairs for the better part of the day today, but regardless, it's a wonderful home.

this past friday a friend and i got back from a mini vacation.  we went to go see her parents in southern Missouri.  it's been a few years since i've been there, even longer since i've been there in the spring.  but it was beautiful.  i never realized how rocky the soil was!  anyway, one of the highlights was to go to silver dollar city.  i think the last time i was there was about 18 years ago.  maybe even longer.  but we had a blast.  in fact everything we did was fun there.

where else can you go that you can be called "Darlin" all day long, and feel like maybe they really mean it?  anyway, the day we went was a bit cloudy and cool, so that meant the park wasn't really all that busy.  which was great.  we decided to ride a couple of rides.  the first one was fun.  it had some loops and was pretty fast.  so my friend asked this kid sitting next to her what the other one was like, and he said it was okay.  but he liked this one better because it went upside down.  so we go to ride the other one, and we didn't know what to expect!  it was so fast and took such sharp turns that we thought we were going to come out of the seat.  we screamed/laughed the whole time.  it was great.  totally unexpected!

then we went to the glass blower place.  whenever you go to silver dollar city you have to watch them blow glass.  it's way to cool to pass up!  so there was this young guy, maybe around my age.  he'd worked there 2 years and went to school at Anderson in Indiana.  (just in case you're interested in  learning how to blow glass, you can do it there.)  and like all people that are showing off their craft, he wants you to talk to him.  so there was this little boy.  maybe 4 or 5, cutest red hair sitting on his dad's shoulders, and the demonstrator was trying to get people to talk to him.  so this little boy raises his hand and says "excuse me!  excuse me!  what time do i go to school?"  the man said "i don't know what time you go to school, ask me another question."  then a few min. pass by and the little boy says "excuse me!  excuse me!" and the man was like "did you burp or did you have a question?"  the little  boy says "i like french fries!"  by this time the young man doing the demonstration has an older friend that looks like he would be a glass blower up there with him.  the older friend says "if you go about 3 doors down, they can get you some french fries."  then a few min. later the same little boy "excuse me!   excuse me!  can you make fried chicken?"  the man says "no, but i can cook you a marshmallow at 2400 degrees, would you like that?"  the little boy says yes, and they scorch it and the little boy decides he doesn't want it any more.  

the young man was doing a good job, but you could tell that his artwork was in distress, so his mentor came to try to save him, but to no avail.  right towards the very end, he drops it.  the crowd claps for him, but you can tell he's disappointed.

we left right before it started raining, and had an enjoyable evening.  this concludes my blog for the day brought to you by the letters q, t, and the number 2.

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Bethel, Missouri, United States
i'm 30 and i work at women's recovery center in a cornfield in Missouri, yes that's right, Missouri. i grew up in Warsaw IL. i love my job and the ministry that i work for. we help the hurting get healed. it's called Heartland. i love God and my family. hope you find this informing. happy reading. Visit our website at one day i may aspire to even write a book *sigh*