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Friday, November 21, 2008

you wouldn't believe it

there is no way on earth that words could ever describe yesterday. there just simply isn't, but i will do my best to describe it. it was total chaos. safe, but total chaos.

yesterday morning we had to switch hotel rooms. we were both sad about it. both the room, the atmosphere and the people in the other hotel were all so wonderful. don't get me wrong, this hotel is very nice, but it lacks the character of the other one :( this one has a swimming pool, a softer bed and an amazing view. right now the leaders are in a breakfast meeting. i did eat, but i wouldn't be able to understand anything that is being said, so Tina told me that they would understand and wouldn't want me to feel uncomfortable. so many people are so sad that i don't speak Spanish. i mean like really sad. not like it's an inconvince like we would in the States, but "i really wanted to be able to talk to you and find out about you" sad. people trip over eachother to make sure that everything is fine. when they found out i was sick they all make sure they ask me how i'm doing, every time they see me. to be diplomatic Tina had to tell them why she couldn't come and visit. okay, enough about that. for this mad house crazy story from yesterday.

Tina talked to the lady at the front desk of our old hotel to see if we could get 2 taxis across town. we would have to ride seperatly b/c we had so much luggage. how much you ask? 4 large suitecases, 2 small ones (carry ons), 1 backpack, 1 purse, 1 briefcase, and 1 laptop case. so, that's a lot, oh yeah, they were full too. so we had to get them loaded up into the taxi. at first the taxi cab drivers weren't to excited, but once he found out that Tina had lived here for a long time he didn't mind. so we were on another exciting taxi cab ride across town. we forgot that the parade started early. something for something political. the taxi cab drivers wanted to drop us off as close to the hotel that they could b/c they couldn't get us right up front b/c of the parade. so they thought they could get us about 1 block from it, well, the police lady had another idea. so the taxi cab driver tried and tried to talk to her, she was sticking to her guns (per sey), that meant all of our luggage had to be CARRIED 3 blocks. and it was down hill, and we couldn't find anyone to help us. we got it about 1/2 way and Tina told me to wait where i was and she was going to go get a bell boy. i must admit, i was a little scared. i knew there was a police woman up the street, Tina told me even though she was being ugly and wouldn't help us get down the street, that she would still protect me if i needed it. there was this guy with a stocking cap and sunglasses on (now remember, it's "cold" here), he didn't really do anything, but i really think that God sent him to make me feel safe. and it did make me feel so much safe. then this lady that i saw Tina talking to came down the sidewalk and talked to me in English. ohhhh how i needed that. you would not believe how exhausting it is trying to understand people you know that you can't understand. it's nuts! she came and told me about the sports parade, and that it was a long parade and told me what it was for. she also said "to bad you aren't staying at my house, you just passed it, i did ask my husband if we were expecting company." then she stood at the door and waited for Tina and the bell boy. i was so happy to see them coming! so we got here to the hotel and got checked in, and then we had to take all of the luggage up 4 small flight of stairs. talk about gruling. i will never complain about taking a new lady's things up the stairs again!!!!!!! with the alitutide it is very difficult to breath at times, but we made it with all of our suitecases. none of our little treasures were broken. (i don't think there was one suitecase that didn't hit the sidewalk at sometime during our escapade. whew, we made it.

tina said that if we wanted to go see the big catherdrial that the city was didicated to we had better hurry before people found out we were here, so we jetted out. this cathedrial was massive. it was to the virgin of solidad (something like that, it means solitude and something else very sad. she looked sad. she was all dressed in black. and her face was very sad. it made me cry. she really is an idol. people are in so much bondage to the catholic church here. tina said it is like this in Lousianna too. i took as many pictures as i could. her crown of jewls is worth 1/2 million dollars and has been stolen twice. people give their best of everything to her, just in hopes that her prayers will be answered and they will be forgiven of their sins. it's was massive. people in there saying their roseries. we saw more confesssion booths. i guess me always being from the midwest have never seen things like this. it's really mind blowing. it's so very very sad. we went into the museum and the lady asked me kindly not to take pictures, so i couldn't. there were things from the 1700's that were given to her. there were amulets galore. i asked tina where they buy their amulets and she said from the witchcraft store, or the religious store. it just doesn't line up in my mind. but i guess i can't see what they see b/c i'm in the light as He is in the light. i'm so greatful. my eyes have been opened to a darkness darker than i've ever seen before. it's really crazy. in the museum, they had Jesus in a glass and gold casket again. oh, how that grieves me. i took a picture (in a different place where they had the same thing) and i hope it turns out so you can see it a little. it's so demonic. i was talking to tina and i said that this city is beautiful demonic. that's the best way to describe it. i asked Tina how many times do they have to show Jesus in a casket like that, she said as many as they can. she also told me that they have this parade where everyone dresses up their baby Jesus and carries Him around all day. all the time, no matter where you see Him, He is helpless, i know that is not what my Bible says. He rules and reigns. He is bound up with ropes, or hanging on a cross, or laying in Mary's arms. but never do you see Him free. and He always looks sad. i really greives my spirit. so very very much. ugh.....

we decided we would to go to the zocolo again (really, my favorite place in Oaxaca.) and the silver man was there again. we were excited to see that. oh, by the way, Tina thinks she may have figured out who the sliver man was. the other day when we went to the other side of town, this guy stopped to say hello, and his name is Johnny, and he is a pastor and has a clown/mime ministry. and Tina woke up yesterday morning and said "i think Johnny is the silver man" she said it's so hard for pastors to get support here, and that it is a good way to raise money. she said the way that he treated her the night that she put the coin in, he took his hat off, and he did the bless you sign almost proves it. she said that her and Mark kinda took in this boy. he was a street boy and they helped him get saved. we noticed that night that he kept looking our direction, and she thinks he was trying to figure out if it was really her or not. makes sense to me.

i meet some nice ladies last night. after church we went out to eat. and these women love God so much. this one lady name LuLu has a vision just like Heartland for Mexico. she loves kids and is in the process of starting a street ministry. here no one wants anything to do with the poor or the kids, they are a social disgrace. no one will even cast them a second look. anyway, there is this one lady, i like her a lot. besides knowing how to speak English, she is a "kindered spirit" she reminds me of Iva Coots. she wanted so badly to take care of me last night. she asked me if i was getting food, and i told her yes, and she waited to eat hers until i got mine. she's so sweet. i think all of us are going to go to Montel Alban (the ruins, which will be sad b/c of the events that happened there, but it's well worth seeing.) so i'm excited about that. i feel comfortable with them. there is this other lady who speaks fluent English....ahhhh a sigh of relief! Tina will be doing some visiting that she was not able to do while i was sick. she didn't want to go to far away incase she felt like she needed to come back to the hotel and check on me. i could not have imagined being this sick in this hotel. there is just no way, the other one felt more like home.

it seems like there are so many more things that i want to say, but there is no way to remember them all. i will try to update tonight, but i can't get wifi in our room, so check agian in the morning.

i miss you all. God bless America (but i'm not sure if He will keep doing it if we keep acting like heathens.)

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Bethel, Missouri, United States
i'm 30 and i work at women's recovery center in a cornfield in Missouri, yes that's right, Missouri. i grew up in Warsaw IL. i love my job and the ministry that i work for. we help the hurting get healed. it's called Heartland. i love God and my family. hope you find this informing. happy reading. Visit our website at one day i may aspire to even write a book *sigh*