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Thursday, February 05, 2009

death, taxes and scaring geese

so, as you can tell, i'm trying a  different look for a while.  seems to match the theme of the day.  got a new hair cut, re arranged my room.  change is good.  so, this week has actually been quite eventful.  

i'll start with the taxes.  ahhh, yes, it's that wonderful time of the year where we get those lovely w-2's that tell us how much we made.  i'm always excited to get mine so i can see how much i can get back.  anyway, i know not everyone is that fortunate.  i'm also in charge of doing the ladies taxes, but it's real simple, there's this great super easy web site we go to.  well for some reason i couldn't create any new users, and it kept saying this error thing.  so i waited and waited and tried again and again to see if it would work.  i even had one of my smart friends trying to figure this thing out, but to no avail.  so finally out of desperation, i tried the "chat with us now" thing.  i thought ok, it can't be that bad.... i was put on hold for an hour and a half with a chat session....ughhhhhh..... i kept getting the same messages that you would get on the phone, except i didn't have the bad music and it was in pretty red typing.  so finally someone comes on and asks me to "please hold for one moment while i read your question."  so the guy tries to tell me to try again in a little bit.  i told him i've been getting the same message for the last 4 days.  and finally he gave me another link.  i was so happy, the nice guy from turbo tax was my hero for the day.  so i learned a lesson about patience, it was great, i think we can always use those, but i don't think we ever look for them.

so i called Liberty today to find out about my application and it turns out i never got mine submitted.  so i had to fill out another one, i should know within the next week if i'm accepted or not.  one of my old friends (we aren't really friends anymore, just acquaintances) told me to make sure i check with her before i buy any books b/c her and her husband both attend there, so that should make it a little cheaper.

so now for the "Scaring geese" part of my title.  it seems that Heartland has become a nesting place for 500 Canadian geese.  and they are almost always along the bank of the lake when i'm going somewhere, i like to try to scare them.  not to be mean or anything, but just because it's funny.  very rarely do i ever scare them.  last Sunday when i was taking the ladies to work i tried honking the horn (which never scares them anyway) and the horn wouldn't honk, so i yelled at them.  the ladies didn't know what to think of that, but they did think it was pretty funny though.

well, that's a wrap, until next time...

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Bethel, Missouri, United States
i'm 30 and i work at women's recovery center in a cornfield in Missouri, yes that's right, Missouri. i grew up in Warsaw IL. i love my job and the ministry that i work for. we help the hurting get healed. it's called Heartland. i love God and my family. hope you find this informing. happy reading. Visit our website at one day i may aspire to even write a book *sigh*